

张弓,启示录 No.7,2020,布面油画,45 x 65 cm,图片由艺术家提供
Zhang Gong, Apocalypse No.7, 2020, Oil on canvas, 45 x 65 cm, Courtesy of the Artist
张弓,日光之下,2018,布面丙烯,120 x 220 cm,图片由艺术家提供
Zhang Gong, Under the Sun, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 120 x 220 cm, Courtesy of the Artist
KWM artcenter is pleased to present Zhang Gong’s solo exhibition “Revelations” from 8.13.2020 to 9.26.2020.
The show displays 23 paintings on canvas and 12 drawings from 2018 to 2020. In this era of structural changes in the world, the artist describes various revelations he has received in the form of fantasies and beliefs through to subtle details from nature. The Revelations series most typically represents the style of the artist during this period. The depicted knights sometimes hold medieval spears aggressively, sometimes quietly hold the necks of their animals, are sometimes naked and sometimes dress like Victorian ladies. Their animals are sometimes horses, sometimes dragons, and some have slender feet like praying mantis. Some have the feet of toads, and some have roses growing from between their toes. In the background, there are curtains full of green scales, clouds with open red eyes, Renaissance-style seaside towns, skulls and spring flowers, and landscapes where babies and sirens grow like crops. The theme is surreal. It's like a dream. From a distance, there are fairy tale-like images and thangka-like colours, but on closer look, you find information about death, resurrection, destruction, and rebirth. All the knights are women. Women become messengers of revelations and pathways to different worlds.
张弓,启示录 No.6,2020,布面油画,40 x 32 cm,图片由艺术家提供
Zhang Gong, Apocalypse No.6, 2020, Oil on canvas, 40 x 32 cm, Courtesy of the Artist
Nature is important to Zhang Gong. Nature in the paintings is not represented by generic landscapes, but by the green plants in the community where the artist walks his dog every day: the insects in the grass, the birds in the trees and the abandoned kid’s toys. Zhang Gong once observed the delicate moss on the ground very carefully, and found that it was the entrance to another huge world of freedom. Works such as "Under the Sun" and "There was evening and there was morning", embody this kind of fresh perspective on creation. Together with works such as "A Chasing after the Wind", "The More Knowledge", "The Day Breaks" and "The Shadows Flee", the interaction between the animals, plants and the background brings us tiny and vivid depictions of our inherent fate, reflecting the power embodied in passivity, and the new ideas stemming from the overwhelming infinite repetition of motifs.
张弓,增添知识,2019,布面丙烯,75 x 60 cm,图片由艺术家提供
Zhang Gong, The More Knowledge, 2019, Acrylic on canvas, 75 x 60 cm, Courtesy of the Artist
Zhang Gong's technique is like his name in Chinese which means nervous, tenacious, and extremely accurate and precise. His creation is a slow and arduous process. But the effect of the final work is naive, clean and coherent. Every small paw, every small scale, every small leaf and every grain of dust in the sky is gently placed and stabilised by the big hands of art and his faith. A contemporary tension is formed from the juxtaposition between beautiful and childlike imagery and weighty themes.
张弓,1959年生于北京,1993年毕业于中央工艺美术学院图形想象专业硕士,现工作居住于北京。曾参加 "巴塞尔艺术博览会"(瑞士巴塞尔,1996)、“马拉什画廊” 中国艺术家展(荷兰,1998)、“张弓东京展”(日本东京,2000)、 岳敏君、张弓新作展(中国北京四合苑画廊,2001)、“虚拟的爱-当代新异术“(新加坡美术馆,2006)、 “潘大姐在纽约”(美国纽约艺莱纽约画廊,2010)、“坐看繁城“ (中国香港季丰轩,2014)、 “守望者”(美国纽约凯尚画廊,2016)、 “物种菌”,(北京蜂巢当代艺术中心,2018)等重要展览。
Zhang Gong was born in Beijing in1959. In 1993, he graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Design with an MFA. Now he is the professor in the Information Department at Tsinghua University. Zhang now lives and works in Beijing. His selected recent group exhibitions include Basel Art Exposition, Basel, Switzerland (1996); Exhibition of Chinese Artists, Gallery Marash, The Netherlands (1998); Zhang Gong, Tokyo, Japan (2000); New Works Exhibition of Yue Minjun and Zhang Gong, The CourtYard Gallery, Beijing, China (2001); FICTION LOVE-Ultra New Vision in Contemporary Art,” Singapore Art Museum, Singapore (2006); Miss Panda, Eli Klein Fine Art, New York, NY (2010); A Tale of Metropolis, Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery, Hong Kong (2014); The Watcher, Klein Sun Gallery, NY (2016); Mushroom Mushroom, Hive Center, Beijing (2018).
Zhang Gong is also one of the pioneers in making hand-painted animated films in China. From 1999 to 2009, he produced five independent animated films, such as "Ms Red" (2009), "Black Pig, White Pig" (2005), "Trees" (2003), which were highly praised in many international animation festivals in Europe and Asia, such as Annecy International Animated Film Festival, France, Brussels Animation Films Festival, Belgium, London International Animation Festival, and Cinémathèque Québécoise, Montreal.
联系人:汤小姐 邮箱:2305366233@qq.com