
展 期:2020年8月9日-23日
Date: 2020/8/9-8/23
展 厅:5、6、8、9号
Venue: Gallery NO.5/6/8/9
Organizer: Guangdong Museum of Art
Curator: Wu Hongliang
Artistic Director:Wang Shaoqiang
展览统筹:邵珊 胡锐韬
Exhibition Supervisor: Shao Shan, Hu Ruitao
Exhibition Manager:Liu Yuanting
Exhibition Assistant: Lu Lu
Exhibition Coordination:Yan Wuxian
展览陈列:袁喜明 熊莺 苏利民 苏锦昌
Exhibition Installation: Yuan Ximing, Xiong Ying, Su Limin, Su Jinchang
新闻推广:涂晓庞 曾睿洁
Media Promotion: Tu Xiaopang, Zeng Ruijie
藏品管理:梁洁 黄亚群
Collection Management: Liang Jie, Huang Yaqun
公共教育:刘端玲 叶小青
Education Program:Liu Duanling,Ye Xiaoqing
视觉设计:Ten Buttons 李漾
Visual Design:TEN BUTTONS, Li Yang
In Chinese, the “ben and mo” question refers to therelationship between the different parts of a plant, namely, its root and itsfoliage, a metaphorical saying of the fundamental-incidental relation. “TheIncidental of the Fundamental” is not a conceptual interpretation of therelationship between the two; instead, it focuses on the artist’s internallogic in wandering around or breaking away from the philosophy.
As an atypical figure among the new generation of artists in the 21st century, Hang Chunhui has an intriguing career throughout his artexploration. Due to his artistic uniqueness, he is often included in certainschools but not completely recognized as a representative of them. Basing ontraditional Chinese water-and-ink painting, sculptures, design and fine artsstudies, Hang becomes a meticulous and audacious innovator during his artproduction process. From his earlier traditional Chinese fine paintings to hisrecent experiments on the use of materialsas well as the sociological pursuits, we can feel the existence of a clue - adistinct and intrinsic clue that sustains all his works, which ostensibly showtremendous differences from each of them though. Therefore, we are not going tomake this exhibition a display of Hang’s works in chronological order. Instead, we aim to demonstrate the artist’s personalapproach to art production by exhibiting his art works with an archaeologicalmethod. In this way, we attempt to guide the audience into the artist’sthinking mode while appreciating his art pieces around the exhibition hall. In this exhibition, we have displayed Hang’s creations in the past 15years, together with Hang’s works specially made for this show upon the inspiration generated by the exhibition hall and the province.
Combining the practice of production with the layout of this exhibition,Hang has externalized the “fundamental” and presentation of arts while illustrating the dynamic “incidental”of arts from a static “God’s perspective”, the third person narrative. As a result, people can sense the originality ofthis exhibition from multi-dimensions.
杭春晖 《造型与时间 2020-3》 56.5×66cm 综合材料 2020年
杭春晖 《彩虹2020-1》 纸本设色 83cm×157cm 2020年
杭春晖《确定与不确定的再现2019-5》 综合材料 100×80cm 2019年
杭春晖 《空间叙事——向贾德致敬》 301cm×106.5cm 综合材料 2019年
杭春晖 《黑珍珠-No.18 Black》 70cm×50cm 纸本浮雕 2018年
联系人:汤小姐 邮箱:2305366233@qq.com