
展 期:2020年8月11日――9月12日
Date: 11th August, 2020-12th September, 2020
展 厅:1-4号
Venue: Gallery No1-4
Organizer: GuangdongMuseum of Art
Curator: Lu Hong
Exhibition Supervision: Shao Shan, Hu Ruitao
Assistant Curators: Lu Zihua, Yao Xiaofei,Wen Jiabao
Exhibition Coordination:Liang Jieying
Exhibition Management: Huang Hairong
Exhibition Installation: Yuan Ximing,Wu Pengfei,Xiong Ying,Li Yang
Collection Management: Liang Jie,Huang Yaqun
Education Program: Liu Duanling
Media Promotion: Tu Xiaopang, Zeng Ruijie
视觉设计:another design
Visual Design: another design
参展艺术家: (按姓氏拼音排序)
Cai Guangbin, Chen Shuxia, Cui Qiang, Dai Guangyu, Fan Feng, Fang Lijun, Gu Wenda, Hao Shiming, Hong Yao, Hua Jun, Huang Yihan, Huang Ying, Ji Jingning, Jiang Heng, Jiang Shiguo, Jin Weihong, Li Bangyao, Li Jin, Li Jinkun, Li Jun, Li Yunji,Liang Quan, Lin Congwen, Lin Lan, Liu Qinghe, Liu Zijian, Lu Hao, Nan Xi, Qiu Anxiong, Sang Huoyao, Shao Ge, Shi Jinsong, Sun Xiaofeng, Tian Liming, Wang Chuan, Wang Huangsheng, Wang Mai, Wang Shaoqiang, Wang Tiande, Wang Yanlin, Wei Qingji, Wu Yi, Xu Bing, Xu Lei, Xu Yongmin, Yang Guoxin, Yang Peng, Yang Ping, Zhang Hao, Zhang Yu, Zheng Qiang, Zhou Jingxin, Zhou Yong, Zhu Lan, Zhu Wei, Zhu Zhengeng, Zuo Zhengyao
Since the new century, Chinese contemporary ink painting hasmade great strides. After a period of adoption of Western ideas and techniques,today we recognize that tradition is an important symbol of cultural identityand a cultural resource for us to participate in international dialogues in thecontext of globalization. Without the necessary connection with traditionalculture, it will be difficult to maintain the continuity, uniqueness andself-esteem of one’s own culture, and will in turn cause huge cultural losses. Therefore,for all contemporary Chinese artists with a sense of mission, how to constructour subject, identity and art history in their own language, that is, through thestudy of traditional culture to find an effective way to transform the pastinto the present, is of crucial importance.
Lu Hong is the curator of the " Ink Painting on Going: 2000-2019" hosted by the Guangdong Museum of Art. Theexhibition consists of three parts.The first part is the Reference to the Old and New Traditions, including the old traditions existing before 1911, and the neo-tradition represented by traditions of theRepublic of China and traditions of "Red culture". The second part is Alternative Ink Painting, including artists who createwith ink and wash, but keep their ideas and techniques separate from traditional Chinese painting, as well as artists who use non-ink painting (such as oil painting,installation, video, etc.) to create, but obviouslydraw on traditional ink painting. The third part is Positive Intervention in Reality,showing the images and artistic creation with personal characteristics by contemporary ink artists who intervene in reality and pay attention topeople's living conditions. In addition, in conjunction with the exhibition, the Guangdong Museum ofArt will invite renowned theorists to conduct relevant academicdiscussions to promote the sound development of contemporary Chinese ink painting. It is hoped that this exhibition can carry outthe necessary academiccriticism ofcontemporary ink painting, and arouse people from all walks of life such as academia, collection,etc. to payclose attention to this creation phenomenon.
方力钧《2020 疫》 纸本水墨 48cm×48cm×9 2020 年
谷文达《简词典 - 东方志 拓片》 宣纸、墨、木镜框, 177cm× 96cm(每幅) 2006 年
李邦耀《山水谱》互动装置 2001-2008 年
李津《禅在竹间》纸本设色 34.5cm×45.5cm 2019 年
李劲堃《欧洲写生之七》 绢本重彩 93cm×62cm 2015年
卢昊《无人的上河图》(局部)绢本设色 50cm×1500cm 2009年
邱岸雄 《新山海经》水墨动画 30分 2006 年
史金淞 《心经》手工宣纸 188cm×189cm 2020 年
徐累 《虚妖》 纸本水墨 103cm×65cm 2001年
王川《2013A-No.4》纸上水墨 94×97cm 2013年
王天德《后山图——西山寺碑拓》宣纸、墨、火焰、拓片 177.5cm×105cm 2017 年
杨国辛《蛰》影像 7分40秒 2012年
张浩 《心灵旅行2011-2》 纸本水墨174×124cm 2011年
联系人:汤小姐 邮箱:2305366233@qq.com