2020 · 致幻——都市景观与抽象艺术
来源: 上海明圆美术馆

2020 · 致幻
主办 上海明圆美术馆 主办
策展人 | 了了
出品人 | 李松坚 凌菲菲
薛松、李磊、曲丰国、丁设 、廖渊
开幕时间:2020年9月5日 周六 16:00
陈墙 红黄蓝-白黄 布上宣纸、墨、油画
Chen Qiang, Red yellow blue — white and yellow, Rice paper on canvas, ink, oil
100 x 80 cm 2018
Painting is the record and exploration of this order in its unique way. Especially in classical painting, we will try our best to establish a strict order like life, and regard entropy increase as a forbidden area. However, due to its repeated reproduction of order, it can no longer meet the internal needs of modern life. --Chen Qiang
丁乙 十示 2018-11 椴木板上综合材料
Ding Yi, Appearance of Crosses 2018-11, Mixed media on basswood
120 x 120 cm 2018
丁乙的艺术创作针对的是个人存在与现实处境的无限冲突,而他在这一交互依存的关系里,通过创造“十示”符号的“+”与“x”,成为他个人对现实生存实在属性的感触,以及他的艺术标示。 -- 冯博一
Ding Yi's artistic creation aims at the infinite conflict between personal existence and realistic situation. In this interdependent relationship, Ding Yi creates the "+" and "X" of the "Ten Signs", which becomes his personal feeling on the real attribute of real existence and his artistic symbol. -- Feng Boyi
潘微 年、月、日 大漆混合材料
Pan Wei, Year, month, day, Lacquer mixed material
40 x 40 cm 2020
“Abstract Art” has two meanings: one is a school in a specific period, represented by Kandinsky and Mondrian; the other is the colors, shapes, lines, etc. that were refined by various schools in the modernist period which are quite different from the previous ones and ignore the representation of objects. Generally speaking, they are "abstract". --Ma Qinzhong
黄渊青 2019-1 丙烯油彩、亚麻布
Huang Yuanqing, 2019-1, Acrylic paint, linen
210 x 170 cm 2019
黄渊青在1990年完成了他的首件抽象作品。自那时起,强烈的情感投射包裹起他的艺术,一众基础要素共同构成了他的作品。 -- 保罗·穆尔豪斯
Huang Yuanqing finished his first abstract work in 1990. Since then, his art has been wrapped up by strong emotional projection, and a number of basic elements together constitute his works. -- Paul Moorhouse
张恩利 尼龙绳 (一) 布上油画
Zhang Enli, The nylon rope (1), Oil on canvas
100 × 100 cm 2014
"Whenever I start to create spatial painting, I think about its relationship with the city I live in. All cities may have some similar atmosphere, but each has its own subtle differences. I look at these details and I hope to capture their beauty. "--Zhang Enli
薛松 无题 布面丙烯综合材料
Xue Song, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas and mixed media
100 × 120 cm 2020
Xue Song is quite able to "live" in the studio. As long as he was in Shanghai, he would " grind time" in his studio every day. Although Xue Song's works do not have a clear and strong "personality expression", but each selected and produced fragments, linked steps, can more or less feel the emotions and expressions he poured into the works.--Huang Shengli
李磊 养云9 布上丙烯
Li Lei, Yangyun 9, Acrylic on canvas
150 x 100 cm 2018
Li Lei's abstract paintings have his own unique spiritual atmosphere. The overall style of his abstract paintings is very obvious. Although there are some changes in his works in different periods, they are all variations and transformations based on the basic theme.--Zhou Xian
曲丰国 四季 小寒 布面油画
Qu Fengguo, Four seasons-Lesser Cold, Oil on canvas
145 × 220 cm 2014
The so-called “season” is a collection of various elements such as light, air, earth, plants, city, land, sea and so on. Qu Fengguo's paintings contains all the elements that make season a phenomenon. Although the rectangular canvas is limited, his painting transcends its framework, thus infinite time and space is unfolded.--Toshio SHIMIZU
丁设 105202008011020 纸本水墨
Sher Ding, 105202008011020, Ink on paper
138 x 69 cm 2008
丁设的作品融合了其自身的经历、学习与工作经验,以及其背后古老的艺术传统和其艺术创作中显而易见的当代性。 -- 维托里奥·乌巴尼
Sher Ding's works mix biographical facts, his studies and work experiences, the ancient tradition that is behind him and the unmistakable contemporaneity of the artistic result. -- Vittorio Urbani
廖渊 河图200701 墨、茶、矿物质颜料、宣纸
Liao Yuan, River map 200701, Ink, tea, mineral pigments, rice paper
135 x 180 cm 2020
廖渊以“河图”为主题的绘画艺术,正是对中国传统文化的回望与致敬,也是对中国传统文化在当代社会的遭遇的反思,更是对传统的重塑、激活。在这个意义上,我认为廖渊的“河图”是在见证“黄河文明”的“涅槃”重生.--克劳迪娅 · 晒佛
In his exploration of the uniqueness of Chinese traditional art, Liao Yuan plays the role of an "inheritor", and actively incorporates the ideas and concepts of modern art with an open mind.--Claudia Schaefer
策展人 Curator
了了 Liao Liao
了了,1973 年生于中国四川,中国著名当代艺术家,国家美术杂志主编,曾在中国、美国、欧洲、日本等地举办展览,现工作生活于上海。
Liao Liao borns in 1973 in Sichuan, China, famous contemporary artist in China, editor-in-chief of national art magazine, he has held exhibitions in China, the United States, Europe and Japan, now working and living in Shanghai.
Urban Landscape and Abstraction
Sponser: MYAM
Curator | Liao Liao
Organizer | Li Songjian, Ling Feifei
Chen Qiang, Ding Yi, Pan Wei, Huang Yuanqing, Zhang Enli, Xue Song, Li Lei, Qu Fengguo, Sher Ding, Liao Yuan
(in chronological order)
Opening time: 16:00, Sat, 5th of Sep, 2020
Exhibition time: 2020/9/5-2020/12/20
Address:Shanghai MingYuan Art Museum
5Th floor, Block A, No. 1199 Fuxing Middle Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Audience limit of 120 (free)
We invite you to the opening of our new exhibition
Shanghai has developed into one of the most charismatic metropolitan city in Asia and one of the biggest city in China from 1840s to 1930s due to its special historical background. The grandeur of the Bund and the river sides, the diversity and welcoming characters of this city have attracted art forms from all over the world for centuries, constructed a special globalism of the "Shanghai School". The astonishing skyscrapers, networks of highways and rivers and the exquisite city landscape inspired the unique artistic style, thus the Shanghai Abstract Artists Group was established. Because the formation was earlier and the number of artists is way more than other cities in China, most are locals, Shanghai is also called "The City of Chinese Abstraction".
Metropolitan is built on modern technol ogy and economical system. It changes space and ways of living, brings material wealth and perceptual experience. Artists who were sensitive to this change, turn the urban landscape into the subject of aesthetic to represent and reflect on modernity. From the perspective of social development, abstract art not only suggests the transformation of modern industrial society, but also present a product of cultural evaluations. Shanghai, as the frontline of "Reform and Opening-up", artists here not just concern about the ways of observation and aesthetic issues, also reflect questions such as artistic languages, style and form, cultural concepts, meanwhile seeking for the common emotions of urban citizens. These require artists to be visually metaphysic, to respond to multi-elements of the fast-changing urban landscape.
Psychedelic and observation are both personal in terms of interpretation. According to Martin Heidegger, objects that are Anwesen (present) are not more authentic than those who are not present, therefore the idea of psychedelic can be explained as using Anwesen (present) to represent vacancy. Philosophy of Zhuang Zi compare dream to the confusion of life and human existence. That is a metaphor of depression in society and the difficulty to break through the boundary. Taoism search for mental freedom, they discuss "life as a dream" between dream and reality. Psychedelic is metaphysical idea that inspired the crucial aesthetic thinking: existential, aesthetic and spiritual approaches.
For artists in Shanghai, psychedelic is a direct emotional experience. Though methods and purposes of observation may differ, the process includes the observing action. To research is a common duty of artists. They ought to observe the changes of living environment, while analyzing the relationship between humanity and society; they need to explore the traditional spiritual idea of harmony between human and nature while surveying the real life division between ego and superego.
Shanghai abstraction is intending to reveal the authenticity of life under the rapidchanging city landscape. Abstract artists group is not just painterly. Their works also show the role of artists in a metropolitan cultural context, reflect the contemporaneity of Shanghai as a special platform. This exhibition invite ten abstract artists in Shanghai, demonstrate and research their works as case studies that represent the overall characters of Shanghai abstract art. Although the artistic expression of the ten artists is different, their special visual language and their deep thoughts about the city and the society all significantly contribute to the development of Chinese Contemporary Art.
联系人:汤小姐 邮箱:2305366233@qq.com