青年艺术家 | 江哲

作品《深圳速度》入选大美双区一一广东省庆祝经济特区建立40周年美术作品展 中国美术家协会主办 广东 广东美术馆 关山月美术馆(合作)
作品《燃烧我的卡路里》参加湾区好风光一一2020深圳美术馆当代艺术展 深圳 深圳美术馆
作品《新冠镜像》参加“青山一道,风雨共担作品展” 深圳 SHU空间
作品《利玛窦与<山海经>》入选庆祝中国人民共和国建国七十周年广东省美术作品展 广东 广东美术馆
作品《台下》入选精神·图式——首届中国写意油画双年展 长春 吉林艺术学院美术馆
作品《郑和下西洋之麒麟来朝》入选时代印记广东省优秀美术作品收藏展 广东 广东美术馆
作品《东学西渐》参加拔萃一青苗计划专家提名展 珠海 诚丰美术馆
作品《辛亥一剥落》参加2019深圳·中国写意油画巡礼 东莞 岭南美术馆 深圳 关山月美术馆
作品《庚子文人独白记》参加湖南省重大历史题材创作展 长沙 长沙师范学院美术馆
作品《抬轿》参加新象·硕实一一青苗计划展 广州 广州艺术博物院
作品参加排云上一一广州画院新锐艺术家提名展 广州 红专厂E5馆
作品《庚子文人独白记》参加风华正茂一湘粤青年艺术家交流展 长沙 湖南省画院美术馆 广州 广东省文联美术馆
作品《奔向海陆丰》入选革命老区红色印记汕尾市庆祝新中国建立七十周年美术作品展 汕尾市 山海艺术馆
系列作品参加无界一广东省青年艺术家作品展 佛山市 佛山市文化馆
作品《海上丝路一哥德堡号访广州》入选大潮起珠江一庆祝改革开放四十周年全国美展 中国 美术家协会主办 北京 中国美术馆 、广东 广东美术馆
作品《师夷长技以制夷一魏源和〈海国图志〉》参加国家艺术基金重大历史题材油画创作人才培养结业展 湖南 纸本美术馆
作品参加当代佛山2018长三角艺术交流暨佛山美术馆联盟艺术家邀请展 上海 刘海粟美术馆分馆 深圳 关山月美术馆
作品参加虚拟现场一一广州美术学院青年艺术家当代艺术作品展 珠海 圣缘博艺艺朮馆
作品《盛草》参加广州美术学院油画系研究生课程系列展第一期 广州 广州美术学院油画系研究生展厅
作品《救火者》《盛草青青》参加"关系与呈现"——广州美术学院油画系研究生邀请展 ‘广东紫泥堂艺术中心
作品《辛亥一脚步》参加佛山市艺术创作院2017年年展 佛山 佛山市图书馆
作品《辛亥系列》入选 青衿计划 ,北京 正观美术馆
作品《台下》入选全国80,90五四提名展,长沙 湖南省画院美术馆
作品《庚子年》入选邂逅实验, 深圳 盒子艺术空间
作品《吉祥》《移步》入选ART . 艺界——中国当 代艺术名家精品联展 ,广州 永庆坊
作品《东学西渐》《听》参加第七届广州艺术交易博览会一一谢楚余工作室汇报展 广州 广交会展馆
作品《台》入选第六届广东当代油画展,深圳 关山月美术馆
作品《七贤.别》入选列宾美术学院交流展,圣彼得堡 列宾美院意大利展厅
作品《七贤.了了生死》获广州美术学院优秀毕业创作奖、衣恋奖学金 、亚广奖学金,广州 大学城美术馆
作品《悟》获首届广东高校油画展铜奖 ,广州 大学城美术馆
清末民初历史的演义传达—— 江哲创作自述
An Embodiment of the History of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China—the Artist’s Self-statement by Jiang Zhe
Written by Jiang Zhe
Referring to the timeline, the history of the late Qing dynasty and the early Republic of China was not far from our era with plenty of images and original materials for our research, yet it seemed to be far away when seeing from the space as we have been insisting in understanding the revolutions in a narrative way. It is a relatively one-sided way anyway, that’s why our awareness is superficial and may easily turn into the simple and alternative value orientation. The great historical events created a number of giants whose extraordinary life experiences made up the lavish history in China. Of course, there are also a lot of controversial characters, thus our re-exploration in these people together with their affairs formed into the describable expressing space.
The traditional historical creation is originally a narrative tool, and some of the works emphasize on the historicity, that is to have a high degree of recurrence of the incidents occurred at that moment, which needs lots of historical details and the original texts to serve as the support; and some others lay stress on the epic, yet it should be also based on some specific objective facts though it is conveyed in a subjective way, and ultimately sublimate the theme. However, there is a diversified development of today’s visual communication medium. Like the historical documentary seems to be more expressive and effective when presenting the historical events. Hence, the traditional narrative way is unable to meet the requirements of the history painting today.
The deduction I mention here doesn’t need the recurrence of certain scenes according to the objective historical details or the plenty of particulars to be the support. But to read plentiful first-hand materials are required which will help to build a three-dimensional understanding of the historical events, then you could re-arrange the characters, locations and details so as to create a new historical scene based on your own points of view. As for the scene, the personal position expressed in it should not be too strong as the characters and the events themselves are controversial, it needs to be more implicit and thought-provoking. The controversial figures may gain different evaluations at different historical stages, and people with different age may have various opinions and feelings about the same events, so it is meaningful to present more interpretation and reflection of the implicit scenes.
One of my creation methods is to use the old photographs as the materials, because the pictures I am interested in will inspire me to convey the events in a rhetoric way. But there are problems of the authenticity of the old photo itself. Most of the photographs of the late nineteenth century were taken by the foreigners with curiosity, thus what can be seen through their lens were more about mysterious scenes, exotic customs and cruel penalty etc. It is exactly these images that constitute our initial impression and understanding of China in the 19th century the early 20th century, and that’s why I have the above opinions. The old picture has certain issues, it is, on one hand, an objective existence at that time, and on the other hand, it also has strong fragment and subjectivity. By reassembling the old photos as well as coinciding with some symbolic symbols, it can be turned into other interesting and thought-provoking images. For example, the stone lion is a symbol that frequently appearing in my works, which in my opinion represents the imperial power, majesty and holy in the feudal society, yet I put the stone lion together with Yuan Shikai in the same painting. Yuan is a controversial person in the modern history, and the biggest reason for this controversy is his emperor’s event. If without this event, we may have totally different awareness and evaluation of him. Or let’s divide his life into a few different stages of discussion, such as working in North Korea, training in Tianjin station, serving as the inspector in Shandong, working as the direct minister in Zhili, holding the post of prime minister during the Revolution of 1911 and president of the Republic of China. Seeing from these facts, we will find these are all positive with improved vision, but I finally choose the time before he became the emperor as the material. I amplify the stone lion, and Yuan Shikai is wearing a presidential service, there is a door to the abyss of power between them. I named it as “Move”. In fact, there is not only Yuan Shikai, but many other giants lost their fame owing to their final wrong move, arousing people’s regret.
When it comes to the use of skills and methods, I think the expression is the starting point, then is the adjustment and the selection of manifestation. As I am not representing an objective historical scene but syllogistically expressing the historical materials, I choose the implicit expression. There is no clearly visible face seen in the picture, but the viewers can easily identify who it is according to their own knowledge structure, and they can also assume and imagine the psychological state of the characters referring to my virtual historical space. Such kind of ambiguity can be used to present a tiny sideline, the painting of a human face to the construction of a big virtual space.
《庚子文人独白记》570X145CM 布面油画 2018年
《东学西渐》180X100CM 布面油画 2017年
《海上丝路一一哥德堡号访广州》197X145CM 布面油画 2018年
《去国与归国一一克利夫兰总统》176X103CM 布面油画 2019
《燃烧我的卡路里》192X145CM布面油画 2020年
《盛草青青》180X100CM 布面油画 2017年
《台》120X90CM布面油画 2016年
《台上》160X120CM布面油画 2017年
《辛亥一一脚步》120X70CM布面油画 2016年
《之乎者也》40X40CM布面油画 2019年
《北京巴黎拉力赛一一新生》120X100CM 布面油画 2020年
《北京巴黎拉力赛一一眼睛》197X145CM 布面油画 2020年
《北京巴黎拉力赛一一异变》120X100CM 布面油画 2020年
《北京巴黎拉力赛一一中国红》120X100CM 布面油画 2020年
《洹上村的闲云野鹤》50X60CM布面油画 2019
《台下》160X120CM布面油画 2017年
《移步》120X90CM布面油画 2016年
联系人:汤小姐 邮箱:2305366233@qq.com